Our Philosophy

Yogaana is a blissful Oasis amid your chaotic mind. The beautiful term Oasis refers to a soothing green shelter within a harsh desert. Modern human is living a life but is not able to taste the nectar of life. Humanity is dangerously out of alignment from the fundamentals of the phenomena called life, unfortunately this unalignment is reflected as a symptom in the mental health, physical wellbeing, and emotional instability collectively, and environmental crises.

Yogaana is to awaken your buried inner intelligence by connecting you to your own reservoir of ultimate knowledge that leads to eternal bliss from here you move towards experiencing that you are not controlled by your personality, emotions, and thoughts but much bigger and powerful than that.

Yogaana is here to ignite the realization that mind is a tool given to you (the owner) to be utilized as an asset but not the owner. This realization cannot be experienced by reading ancient texts and philosophies. The flow of Ojas (vital energy) in the body and activation of deeper wisdom leads to the activation of dormant wisdom within. This will remove the layers of mask and take you back to your authentic self which is completely aligned with the flow of cosmic power without the efforts of the mind.

Our approach is to spark the love affair and intimacy with the cosmic prana. The same prana which flows through you and is responsible for the existence of life. One can tap into this flow by the interconnectedness and harmony between two aspects of our being, mind, and body. Mind is a realm of thoughts emotions perception and intention whereas Body is the vessel through which we experience the outcome of the contents of mind. Their alignment creates a synergy to experience greater thought clarity, emotional stability, and physical vitality. This synergy marks the entry on the doorsteps to the realm beyond mind and body.

Yogaana belongs to those who are ready to experience the true power and potential of being alive. It is for those who are ready to shatter stale ideas and to experience power by letting go of resistance. This is not the platform to seek validation for your chains by exploiting the term karma but to break them free. This is the only way to be able to experience the vast possibilities of being human.